Bulletstorm full clip edition как поменять язык?

9 ответов на вопрос “Bulletstorm full clip edition как поменять язык?”

  1. Wireles_mi Ответить

    Описание файла и прочая информация:
    Филипп Робозёров – руководитель проекта, редактирование текста
    Анатолий Калифицкий – обработка звука
    Андрей Кищенко – обработка звука
    Александр Киселев (ponaromixxx) – рас-ка/упаковка ресурсов, порт ресурсов, инсталлятор
    Ярослав Егоров – медиа-контент, информационная поддержка, тестирование альфа-билда
    Виталий Красновид – обработка роликов, тестирование бета-билда
    Дмитрий Полеся – тестирование бета-билда
    Роли озвучили:
    Сергей Пономарёв – Грей
    Алексей Никитин – Иши
    Нана Саркисян – Тришка
    Юрий Кулагин – Саррано
    Андрей Анучин – Релл
    Кирилл Патрино – Док
    Нина Беренг – Новостной бот
    Константин Федосеев – Финальное Эхо, Черепа, Объявления
    Николай Зозулин – Охотник за головами, Черепа
    Владимир Веретенов – Стражи
    Дмитрий Рыбин – Объявления
    Евгений Синельников – Черепа
    Станислав Черсков – Черепа
    Анатолий Кононов – Объявления
    Алёна Соколова – Объявления
    Ксения Мирная – Объявления
    Отдельная благодарность:
    spider91 – софт для извлечения и запаковки игровых видеороликов, информационная поддержка.
    Основные изменения в “v1.2 от 27.09.2018”:
    • Добавлен: порт озвучки на обычную версию Bulletstorm.
    • Исправлена: фраза Грея в начале.
    • Исправлено: Усилен эффект «красных глаз» у Иши.
    • Добавлен: пропущенный эффект рации в реплике Релла.
    • Добавлены: пропущенные крики врагов.
    • Исправлены: опечатки и небольшие несоответствия в субтитрах.
    • Исправлены: многие ошибки инсталлятора.

  2. Sumitomo Ответить

    What everyone cares (or at least should care) about!
    There are 4 modes here:
    – Campaign -> as regular as any. 5 difficulty modes, collectibles, well paced gameplay overall, mixing slower story bits with cutscenes with pure action gameplay almost seamlessly. You can carry 3 weapons (of any type) and can upgrade them at designated dropkits (which work as checkpoints as well).
    – Overkill Mode -> essentially New Game +. Same 5 difficulty modes, collectibles and such but you now can carry ALL weapons already FULLY upgraded from the get-go. The tutorial is automatically ditched so you can get right into the action. Rest of it is the same as the campaign
    – Echoes -> arena based challenge modes where you kill and kill and rack a ♥♥♥♥♥on of points in awesome single-player blood fest. Think of them as Call of Duty’s Spec Ops: play -> unlock more arenas -> rinse and repeat.
    – Anarchy Mode -> Bulletstorm’s Multiplayer: like Echoes but with up to 4 people with a twist: more timed challenges, ALOT more skillshots can be made (team skillshots which don’t exist in SP ofc) and in general it’s a blast. Easily one of the best survival based multiplayers I’ve played. Highly customizable characters and excellent gameplay throughout this whole package, not just the co-op.
    Now, gameplay itself and what are these… “skillshots”.
    “Kill a dude by literally tearing him a new ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with bullets” -> BAM! +50 points for you, good Sir!
    “Kick a dude into a spiked wall” -> BOOM! +100 points for you, you sick ♥♥♥♥!
    “Impale an enemy on a shock element” -> MAKE IT RAIN, MAKE IT RAIN!
    Okay, you get the point. The crazier the ♥♥♥♥ you pull off, the more points you get (ergo, the more you can upgrade, buy ammo and special ammo, etc.) so, you better get creative or… the game will punish you.
    Not much… but it will. And if you want to play it vanilla as good old ice-cream, then you can just beat it and then play with everything unlocked in Overkill Mode…
    … or you can ♥♥♥♥ off back to Battlefield and Call of Duty.
    Granted, the game does feel TOO EASY, even on it’s max difficulty. I can literally play this like a big daddy, ramming everything to death not using cover (let’s face it… I AM THE ♥♥♥♥ING COVER) and I’d still be safe and sound at home by dinner time for some roasted turducken (aren’t we all secretly animals in some way?).
    Anyway, the guns feel… amazing. Easily one of the best feeling FPS games ever made in my opinion. The reload sounds make me feel like I’m decapitating a whole enemy arena just by putting a shell on my shotgun.
    Everytime I slice a dude in 2 with the shotgun feels like I personally chokeslammed Mankind through the Cell in 1998 and there is hardly any gun that doesn’t feel like I’m not absolutely tearing them into beef jerky just by kissing them with the barrel of said gun.
    If this doesn’t sound like it’s a good FPS then you’re either in denial or you’re Mankind 20 years ago.

  3. VideoAnswer Ответить

  4. VideoAnswer Ответить

  5. VideoAnswer Ответить

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