Какой эпизод показался вам самым занимательным почему?

1 ответ на вопрос “Какой эпизод показался вам самым занимательным почему?”

  1. Kaktilar Ответить

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    Parrots are nice and funny pets. There are 350 types of parrots in the world. Usually parrots live in warm countries, but there are other parrots. which like cold weather. These strange parrots live in the mountains of New Zealand where winters are cold. They can find food under snow. In summer they eat fruit but in winter they eat meat and often come to people’s houses to have some food.Parrots can live more than 100 years and some of them can talk. The cleverest parrots can learn 100 words and put them in phrases. They can also do easy puzzles. Parrots live in families and like to do things together. lt` they cannot see other parrots, they can die. If you can’t play with your parrot, buy another parrot or put a mirror in the cage. This will make your bird happy!
    1. where do parrots live?
    2. what do parrots eat?
    3.now long can they live?
    4.what can they do? other animals cfnnot do this!
    5.when are parrots sad? what can you do to make your bird happy?
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