Почему запорожцы легко откликнулись на слова кошевого?

5 ответов на вопрос “Почему запорожцы легко откликнулись на слова кошевого?”

  1. DarkFire Ответить

    скільки має метрів найбільша ялина у світі
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    Сочинение на тему: “Учение-мучение и учение с увлечением” раскрыть две темы в одном сочинении пж срочно
    перевидите текст The wolf and the lamb have strong always powerless to blame: Tom in the dark stories we hear of examples, but we do not write stories; And that’s about as in the fable says. ___ Lamb on a hot day, went to the creek to drink; And one must train disaster happened that some of the places hungry prowling wolf. Lamb he sees extraction tends; But, although the legal case to look and sense, shouting: “How dare you, you insolent, unclean muddy snout where clean drinking my own with sand and silt for the rage of such I tear your head off you?” .- “When Wolf Highness allow Humbly I bring that down the stream from the Lordship of his footsteps, I drink a hundred; And angry vain he deigns: drinking muddy it does, I can not “.-” So I’m lying Junk l heard such impudence in the light Yes, I remember that!!! you are still in zaproshlom summer I here somehow rude: I do, buddy, do not forget “-” Why, I still do not have year-old “, – says the Lamb!. “So it was your brother” .- “No brothers I” .- “Tak is kum il-law and, in a word, someone from your own family. You yourself, your dogs, your shepherds, I wish you all the evil and if you can, I always harmful, but I’m with you for their sins Explored “.-” Oh, I’m to blame? “-“! Shut up, I’m tired to hear me Leisure disassemble your fault, your fault puppy certainly that! I want to eat “.- said in a dark forest Lamb dragged.
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    В каком слове на месте пропуска пишется Ь?
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